ISSN- 2278-4519
RNI : UPBIL/2012/44732
We promote high quality research in diverse fields. There shall be a special category for invited review and case studies containing a logical based idea.



Mr.Punnet Varshney

IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad

Students  -Rishabh Soti, Shivangi Goswami I MS Engineering College,Ghaziabad


Healthcare system using android OS with the help of medical expert system provides advantages to patients, enabling them to access medicinal information and support systems, irrespective of their current location and time. This paper describes a tool with which we can improve the quality of treatment for patients using mobile application. Our application, DoctorPlus, runs on several Android based devices with 3G and Wi-Fi capabilities. This application is cost effective for patients since the patient need not be present physically. This application framework provides support for terminal, application mobility and enables easier implementation. This application accepts the symptoms from the patients, processes the data, identifies the particular disease and hence provides appropriate medication using medical expert system by pattern matching techniques. The data collected from the device is evaluated using expert system which estimates the probability of severity of the disease. More the application is used by patient, the better will expert system in identify various patterns of diseases which increase the accuracy of DoctorPlus.Mobile healthcare applications receive more and more attention due to the ability to reshape healthcare delivery, for example, enabling self-management of patients while they pursue their daily activity. [1]Mobile healthcare web services using Android can provide advantages to patients, enabling them to query their Symptoms and get the expert response from the Expert System in the form of identification of the disease and medications to cure the illness. In this way, patients can be equipped with powerful tools and support Systems that can help them in their everyday health management and patients can get more involved in decision making regarding their own health. Problems related to increasing healthcare costs and the higher demand for healthcare personnel and services can be addressed and reduced.Doctorplus initially is for student research purpose and slowly and gradually after more updates we will release it for community use. It is an application which runs on any Android version. Our approach involves the use of a mobile “client-server” model employing web services in order to transfer the currently available web-based system onto an Android platform. The server is dedicated to provide an interpretive report of the obtained test results, whereas the client acts as a convenient user front-end. Communication between the client and the server is based on web services.          Our application is different from the rest available versions. Although there are many medical apps available, the best known are DR.CHRONO, PRACTO and MDWEB. Doctorplus is different from these because it focuses more on symptoms and providing initial relief rather than suggesting drugs or booking appointments. Secondly, there are only blood bank options available but no notifications for donors. So in this area it will help a lot. Thirdly it is purely for general use and even medical students can refer to it.Here the scope of the project is that integration of clinical decision support with computer-based patient records could reduce medical errors, enhance patient safety, decrease unwanted practice variation, and improve patient outcome. The main objective of this research is to develop a prototype Health Care Prediction System.

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